This is an invitation to dive deeper into understanding how you respond to pain stimulus and what you can do to cope during labour and birth.

Optimally you should create 5 minutes each day to practice and deepen your skills for maximum benefits.

Pain coping skills for labour and birth

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coping in early labour

What helps your body to release natural pain killers to help you to continue coping


Coping strategies 

explore the different types of coping strategies so if one stops working, you have others to fall back on


pain to coping paradigm  

Shift and build a pain coping maindset now so that when labour starts you are already familiar with what works for you

are you Preparing yourself?

You have high expectations for your labour and birth, yet part of you is worried how things might go. This masterclass is designed to assist you with exploring different ways of coping and also it will help you to understand how we interpret the signals our bodies give us when we experience intense sensations. It is better to arrive at your labour day prepared with some tools to help you than to show up without a clue how to help you cope and manage through the sensations of labour and birth. Give yourself the benefit of doing what you can to optimise your chances.

What you will find in the workbook and masterclass


Understanding the pain paradigm


P.A.I.N. preparation ahead is necessary  & purposeful, anticipated, intermittent and normal


Information about pain medication


Fear, Tension, Pain cycle


Breathing practices that work and drug-free pain relief ideas


Getting information and giving informed consent

Just €59 — 1 hr masterclass and workbook with comprehensive instructions, guidance and tips for levelling up your coping skills for labour and birth.

Rosalia  Pihlajasaari

I have been a birth doula since 2003 and have help thousands of people prepare for birth. 

My desire to make birth meaningful led me to looking into all the various aspects that influence a birth. I found that coping with the various sensations of labour and birth was an aspect that few people explored adequately. Through the last 20 years I have helped thousands of people to cope with all different aspects of their birth.

I offer antenatal education that incorporates the elements outlined in this masterclass but also others.

For more info about me or my services please visit

Want more after this…

Nutritional preparation for labour and birth masterclass

Learn how what you eat impacts on how your body prepares for labour and birth. By following a nutritional plan you can eat your way to a smoother transition into labour and birth.

Fear releasing session

Fear and worry do accompany many on their journey into birth. If you feel your fear is stopping you from fully experiencing your pregnancy and upcoming birth, this session will help you to release this negative emotion and find new ways to cope in unforeseen circumstances.

Doula Services

Every person deserves to be supported if they want it. My doula services are available to those that want a more personal and continuous relationship. See for more info.

Make sure you give yourself time to practice a bit before labour starts 

Rosalia helped to guide us towards the birth that we most wanted. Her Birthing from Within classes were so special; providing us with a full toolbox of coping techniques – some of which I couldn’t have birthed my second child without! Not to be missed.

Samantha K

Even though the labour was painful and challenging, I did not even consider asking for medication, as Rosalia had guided me through how to cope with each and every contraction.

Ena D P

Rosalia led me through the most amazing prenatal preparation before the successful vaginal birth of my son. He was a vbac water birth. I will always be grateful to her for her warmth, insight, comapssion and friendship. She is just amazing.

Gizella W A

The pain relief techniques and the spinning babies exercises were a life-saver and helped me to have the unmedicated birth I wished. When I thought I wasn´t able to cope with the intensity of labor anymore, she reminded me of my birth wishes and how strong I was.

Elena M-U

When you are mentally prepared to work with the sensations of labour more than half the work is done.

Grab this opportunity to level up your coping skills for labour and birth.